He's Getting So Big!
In these pictures Caleb is 2 months old and according to the doctor at his 2 month appointment, right on target for weight and length! I remember he weighed 11 pounds and 9 ounces, but I can't remember his new length. Everything check out good at his appointment and then the hard part came...watching him get his vaccines. It was awful, he was fine one moment then came the biggest saddest cries in the world. This of course made me cry, even though I told myself I wasn't going to. The nurse assured Caleb that I was doing this because it was what was best for him. I think she was also reminding me that I was doing this because it's best for him. Nonetheless, it was difficult for both of us.

This video is the best video yet. Caleb has become quite the smiley little guy and he's been doing some "talking" too! Oh, and he's discovered he has a tongue, so he does this silly tongue thing. Check it out for yourself!
so beautiful! i don't know if you are breastfeeding, but i know that when Oliver gets his shots the best thing in the whole world is to be in the middle of eating -- he barely notices! it's so much worse with a 2 year old too omg. I was so anxious when Landon got his DTaP last week (we delay and selectively vaccine so he's just slightly behind everyone else and doesn't get them all) and I was freaking out anxious. Landon just looked at the nurse, looked at his leg, and asked for chocolate milk :D all that worrying for NOTHING!
he is so beautiful Andrea :)
Hi, baby. You have a sweet smile. Wish I could kiss your little cheeks.
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