The Mr.'s Birthday!
For the Mr.'s birthday I wanted to do something very special and unique. I had been playing close attention to comments the Mr. had been making about things he wants both joking and semi serious.
Since we joined Lifeline the Mr. has been addicted to the Homestar Runner website ( Check it's pretty funny. Anyway, the Mr. jokingly said that he wanted a Homestar Runner shirt and I took note of that. He also jokingly said that he wanted a Hiro and Ando shirt (characters from the T.V. series "Heroes"). I also took note of that. Lastly he had said that he always wanted a thermos, which of course I took note of. Then I got to thinking and began to make it all happen.
I went to one of my favorite stores and bought some plain t-shirts and printable iron paper. Then I got to designing and making two t-shirts for the Mr. I was so nervous about the Mr. liking the shirts that I talked him into opening them early. It wasn't too hard to talk him into that. :) Guess what? I didn't have to worry...he loved them!

Then I was off in search of just the right thermos. I found it at the second store I looked in. Yeah! Then I decided to make opening a thermos a little more exciting. Here's of our favorite movies is, "The Jerk." In it Steve Martin's character wants to get a thermos for his love. At the end when he is homeless he trades all of his belongings with another homeless person for their to make a long story short...I put a clue about the thermos in the Mr.'s birthday card. He didn't get it at first, but then figured it out. See for yourself in this video.

The Mr. loved every single gift and thought I did a really good job this birthday.
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