Life With the Shep Jrs.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Shep Juniors are Growing in Numbers...

The Mr. and I have an announcement to make. On the blessed morning of July 22, 2008 we found out that we were going to have a baby!! It was a year in the making and we were sooo excited.

Here's the story...Things had been different this month and my temperature wasn't spiking. I felt like this could be the it, I could really be pregnant. I waited to see if I missed my special friend because I have had this "I must be pregnant moment" before. A few days after I missed my special friend, I decided it was time to take a pregnancy test. So 5:30am I went into the bathroom to test (I had heard that early morning was the best time). I set the test on the tub and decided I wasn't going to look at it until the time was up...I didn't want to get my hopes up like I had many times before...Well, as you may have guessed after the time was up I looked and I saw TWO LINES, count them TWO LINES!!! At that point I started jumping up and down and I went to go tell the Mr. He was still in bed so I had to wake him up.

I said, "Guess what?"
The Mr. said in a tired and barley awake voice, "You're pregnant."
I said, "Yes!"

I told him to come see and he got a big goofy grin on his face. All in all it was a great moment!


Blogger Mama and Papa Shep said...

Ah, I know that face. What a great story.

9:17 PM  

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