Life With the Shep Jrs.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Caleb's Baby Dedication

Sunday, June 21st we dedicated our little boy back to the God who gave him to us. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful day. After restating our faith in God and making our vows the Mr. and I tearfully gave Caleb our blessing:


From both of us: When you were born your first cry was the most beautiful sound we had ever heard. We then thought holy cow our life has been changed forever by this beautiful baby boy. We could hardly believe you were here. We were also very nervous about being good parents. Were we going to say the right things, do the right things, and make mistakes and so much more? In that moment we were so thankful to God for giving you to us and knowing that He was going to be there to help us raise you.

When we chose your name for you, we chose it because we liked how it sounded with the rest of your name, but we liked it even more since we have learned more about who Caleb was: One of two spies of the 12 who believed God’s promise about entering the Promised Land, and one of only two of the first generation of Israelites who were allowed to enter. God describes Caleb as His servant who “has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly.” This is our desire for you, that you be a faithful follower of God, always trusting in His promises. But for you to be this way you need to be raised by parents who are this way. Parents who keep his commands upon their hearts, who impress them on their child. Parents who talk about God’s commands when they are at home and away, in the morning and in the evening. All of this to say that the most important thing we would like to pass onto you is our combined family’s multi-generational faith in Christ.

From your Mom: I hope you grow up to be as amazing as your father: loving, caring, patient slow to speak, quick to listen, a gentleman, smart, and funny, and most importantly a man of God. I hope you develop an amazing relationship with God. I hope you accept the loving gift of His son Jesus. If you do I know that God will do amazing things for you and through you.

I would like to pass onto you the openness and generosity that my parents gave to me. I could always talk openly with my parents and I feel that was something important and special. My parents were also very generous not only financially, but also with their time.

From both of us: We will try to keep these promises to you and God as best as we can, and we ask our friends and family to help us keep these promises.

Then my dad (Papa Van) said this beautiful prayer:

Gracious God, Giver of life, we pray for Caleb Stephen Shepherd.
Bless and strengthen him daily with the gift of your Holy Spirit.
Unfold him the riches of your love.
Deepen his faith.
Keep him from the power of evil.
Enable him to live his life according to your calling until your kingdom comes.
Look with kindness on Stephen and Andrea.
Let them always rejoice in the gift you have given them.
Grant them the presence of your Holy Spirit,
That they ma bring up Caleb to know you, love you, and serve you.
Let your peace and joy dwell in their home,
That their family life may be instructed by faith,
Sustained by prayer, and governed by love.
Today we come as parents, family, and friends to dedicate Caleb to you dear Lord.
That through the working of your Holy Spirit,
We may all love him, pray for him, and encourage him,
That someday he will stand before us and confess Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
So God our heavenly Father it is in the blessed assurance of your covenant of grace,
Through your Son Jesus Christ we lay these request before you.

After the service we went back to our house to celebrate the dedication and Father's Day. We ate yummy food, opened presents, enjoyed the outdoors, and then cleaned up with the wonderful help of my mom, grandma, and sister-in-law. It was such a nice day...the only way it could have been better would have been to have the Mr.'s family there too. You all were very missed.


Blogger esp said...

Sorry we couldn't be there -- it sounds like it was really nice. Can't wait to see you guys!

9:49 AM  
Blogger 3khatirs said...

Sounds like a nice day!

8:58 PM  

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