The Best Dog Ever

Samus enjoyed her 2nd Christmas this year. Mr. Shep and I got her some yummy treats and her "friend" Calder got her some treats too. Calder also got her a squeaky rubber chicken and a gift card to PetCo.
So Calder didn't feel left out with presents, Samus got him a new chew rope and some T-Bone treats. Samus and Calder go 'ga-ga' over T-Bone treats. I mean it...they go crazy...lots of barking (Samus) and wining (Calder).
Calder belongs to Mama and Papa Shep...he stayed with us for Christmas because Mama and Papa Shep spent Christmas in Pheonix, AZ with Mr. Shep's youngest sister, her husband, and their son.
That's all for now...enjoy...