Life With the Shep Jrs.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Little Blube at 21 Weeks

We had our ultra sound last week and were so excited to see Little Blube again. The Mr. was there along with my Mom and it was a very special time. We have these four pictures (six if you count the two that are two in one) and an almost five minute video, which unfortunately is on VHS. It was fun to see all the parts of the baby and see and hear the heart beat. We did not find out the gender of the baby, though the ultra sound tech tried her darnest. We have concluded that we have a very modest and proper little baby, which is a good thing, :) but I really wanted to know what the baby was. Enough about my "selfish" wants, the important thing was that LB was growing healthy and measuring properly for the due date. We do get to go back in January for another ultra sound so that the doctor can see the hands better as well as the little one's private area. So I will get another chance to find out the gender!

Somewhere Around 16 Weeks

Here is my baby tummy somewhere around 16 weeks. It's gotten a little bigger, but not much. Everyone keeps telling me I look good, which is really nice to hear. I was told I might gain 15-35 pounds. After just losing 17 pounds I am hoping for a gain of no more than 15 pounds. My doctor told me she would be fine with me only gaining 10 pounds, so that is my current far, so good.

12 Weeks

Here is my baby tummy at about 12 weeks...that's 3 months for those of you that go by months...I personally go by both. We got a late start on the tummy pictures. I meant to do one for ever month, but kept forgetting. Oh well, there is no going back now...don't you just love my PJs?!

Early Fall Events

My youngest brother turned 21!! I can hardly believe that he is that's crazy! Anyway, the family went out to BW3's to celebrate. My oldest brother and his wife did a great job of "protecting" my little brother for the rest of the night to make sure he didn't over do it and got home safe.

The next day we planned an afternoon and evening with our good friends the Johnsons. We had a delicious dinner, the boys attempted to fish, and us girls had a nice chat and walk.

Hmmm...How many people does it take to start a fire? Apparently three, plus later in the evening I join in the fun. The problem was damp wood, but in the end we had enough flames for a few hobo pies. Yum, yum, yummy!

Check Out Little Blube!

We call our little one Little Blube because and one point in time he or she was the size of a blueberry (according to The Mr. called it Little Blube and it just stuck. Here is a picture of LB at 10 weeks. It's he or she so cute?!

The Shep Juniors are Growing in Numbers...

The Mr. and I have an announcement to make. On the blessed morning of July 22, 2008 we found out that we were going to have a baby!! It was a year in the making and we were sooo excited.

Here's the story...Things had been different this month and my temperature wasn't spiking. I felt like this could be the it, I could really be pregnant. I waited to see if I missed my special friend because I have had this "I must be pregnant moment" before. A few days after I missed my special friend, I decided it was time to take a pregnancy test. So 5:30am I went into the bathroom to test (I had heard that early morning was the best time). I set the test on the tub and decided I wasn't going to look at it until the time was up...I didn't want to get my hopes up like I had many times before...Well, as you may have guessed after the time was up I looked and I saw TWO LINES, count them TWO LINES!!! At that point I started jumping up and down and I went to go tell the Mr. He was still in bed so I had to wake him up.

I said, "Guess what?"
The Mr. said in a tired and barley awake voice, "You're pregnant."
I said, "Yes!"

I told him to come see and he got a big goofy grin on his face. All in all it was a great moment!