35 Weeks
Here we are at 35 weeks. On this particular day we had our birthing class. Much to my dismay I did not feel any more prepared for Caleb's arrival than I did before we went. In fact, I became more nervous. I was all ready to take the less pain drugs, and after hearing more about them and seeing them administered I am now second guessing myself. At this point in time I am leaning towards no thanks/we will see when we get there. I can do it without them...so many women before did it, my mom did it, and so can I. It was just tough going from one "extreme" to another. More nervous or not, however, we are still more excited than anything else!!!
i have faith you can do it naturally :) but pain killers aren't evil... i just had lots of complications after my epidural with landon and it strengthened my resolve:)
You make me laugh... I went back and forth a lot, too. Then, I didn't have a choice when it came right down to it. Em & I did okay without, you can, too. LB was induced and that is harder w/o meds, but also can be done (I did with #3). What counts the most is getting that baby out safely for both mama and baby. Do what seems best at the time and know that many will be praying for a safe delivery!
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