Our Family Shower
In my lack of sleep and "babybrain," I forgot my camera for this shower, so I don't currently have any pictures at the shower. My lovely sister-in-law, Adrie, took pictures for me, but I don't have them yet.
Anyway, my fabulous, generous, wonderful mom and sister-in-law Adrie threw me this shower on March 7th. My family was there and some of my mom's friends (all people I knew also) were there too. Everything was decorated so cute with ducks, frogs, babies, and baby toys. We had three different soups to choose from for eating along with salad and chicken salad sandwiches. Then there were cookies, cheesecake, and cake for desert. And then...oh boy...the presents...everyone was so generous! We could hardly believe and were so grateful for everything we got. Here are some pictures of my card loaded with gifts!

Wow, Annie, that's a carload of baby stuff! Guess I shouldn't feel badly that I didn't mail my gift in time for the shower, eh???
Don't forget that I sat in the back with the presents! Hmmm...you may want to make sure you got everything. You did get great gifts!
Oops...this was the family shower. Well, you can pretend I was there!
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