Little Blube at 21 Weeks
We had our ultra sound last week and were so excited to see Little Blube again. The Mr. was there along with my Mom and it was a very special time. We have these four pictures (six if you count the two that are two in one) and an almost five minute video, which unfortunately is on VHS. It was fun to see all the parts of the baby and see and hear the heart beat. We did not find out the gender of the baby, though the ultra sound tech tried her darnest. We have concluded that we have a very modest and proper little baby, which is a good thing, :) but I really wanted to know what the baby was. Enough about my "selfish" wants, the important thing was that LB was growing healthy and measuring properly for the due date. We do get to go back in January for another ultra sound so that the doctor can see the hands better as well as the little one's private area. So I will get another chance to find out the gender!