The BIG Day and the First Week Home...
The day was March 25th, 2009...and it started out as a some what normal day, but I was questioning whether or not my water had broken. I attemped to call my doctor's office, but they were not open yet, so I sent the Mr. off to work. Just after he left (around 8:00am) I started having small, but consistant what I figured were contractions. As soon as the doctor's office opened I called again and they asked me some questions said call my husband home and they would call me back. When they called back they said it was time to head to the hospital (this was probably around 9:00 or 9:30am). We got to the hospital where they did some test and then I was admited. It was time to have a baby. After some time, many painful contrations, an epidural (PRAISE JESUS), a couple hours of pushing, baby Caleb Stephen was born at 6:08pm. He was 8 lbs. and 2 oz., 21 1/2 inches long, strong, and healthy.
The very next day Nana and Papa Van came to visit. Great Grandma W., Uncle Kevin, Aunt Adrie, Uncle Daniel, Great Aunt Elaine, and Jessi came to visit too. Everyone thought Caleb was super sweet and super cute.
Our time at the hospital was great. The nurses were fabulous, especially our night nurse. The food was pretty good too. I got their chicken caeser salad twice because it was so good.
The day after our second night we got the ok to go home. The Mr. and I were very excited and nervous. At the hosptial we had people to help us and if there was a problem they would be there if we needed them. At home we were "on our own."
Well, we made it home and our first night was better than we thought it was going to be. Caleb looked so sweet sleeping in his crib and he made the cutest grunting noises as he slept.

For the next week we had our fantastic friends and family come to visit, make us meals, help with laundry, give me a break so I could sleep, and so much more. We were and still are so blessed to have the family and friends we do.
Here is Caleb meeting his Great Grandpa W. and Uncle Brian for the first time. There's also a picture of Caleb and his proud daddy.
Here's a picture of Caleb and his mommy, Caleb meeting his doggie Samus for the first time, and a sleepy Caleb.
Here are some gifts and many of the cards Caleb got just for being born. The flowers were from our friends Amy and Eric, the basket filled with tasty treats and stuff (which was mostly for the Mr. and I) was from my work, and the cards and stuffed animals were from friends, family, and our co-workers.
Caleb has been an amazing gift and we look forward to seeing what God has in store for him and for us!
i have your blog updating on mine as an RSS feed and it shows big chunks of posts at the same time. Andrea -- I am so proud of you! congratulations and way to go :) he is just beautiful and growing nicely and I think he looks like you :D
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